Monday 12 September 2011

Market Day Recount

My heart was pounding when the kids came in with excitement.Getting their orders from the table I just hoped they liked it!I was nervous and excited at the same time.Putting some ]chicken into the bun trying to make it perfect and delicious to eat. Hoping  for us to become a success.But we ran out of shaved chicken!We were telling all the kids who wanted chicken so badly "We are out of chicken sorry!"

Monday 15 August 2011

Snow Days

I went outside.
And I rolled in the snow.
I took a video
for everyone to show

I was playing in the snow.
Happy and excited
I close my eyes,
It really was snow I sighted

I fell in the slippery snow 
I really wished for some heat
I slipped again 
I decided to have a seat.

Monday 8 August 2011

Term 3 goals..

  • Academic Goal:
I want to do better on division because I think I'm really bad at it and want to be a little bit better than before, andt try to make new friends in
  • Social Goal :
I really want to get better in meeting new friends other
than school friends.